Episode 3 of “In-cluded. Ex-cluded. When a syllable changes destinies.”, our advocacy campaign for raising awareness of the need for social inclusion which is carried out in the BARN project – Laboratory for Experimentation and inclusive civic Involvement. We get to know two NGOs from the Sighisoara area that are body and soul for social inclusion, people with an open heart to get involved beyond a simple job, and people you may or may not know.
Liviu and Elena Tudosie from Asociatia Perspective Danes > https://perspectivedanes.ro/, a non-profit organization with administrative autonomy, which operates without political involvement and meets the standards of a Christian charitable mission. They are guided by Christian values in accordance with international treaties the law and the Romanian Constitution. They support Christian education, are concerned with bringing more good into the lives of underprivileged communities, and work intensively with community members to understand their social role. They have a support group for widows, and a support program for Ukrainian citizens, they look after the youth of Danes during their schooling, they do sports activities with the little ones and they have a wonderful afterschool program. They recently opened a social shop, with low-low prices, so that their buyers know that every product has value and deserves appreciation.
Association Whoops! from the village of Țopa and Teli Iacșa, a talented plastic artist from Bucharest, moved to Transylvania a few years ago, gently works for social inclusion in the village of Țopa in the Albești commune. Their organization has recently opened and they want to revive human values through acts of culture, social actions, educational and nature protection projects. They plan artistic residencies, they want to beautify the village with the help of artists and architects, and traditional crafts are to be passed on to children. They are thinking about workshops in schools, with volunteers, for young people with disabilities, all of which are initiatives made with the soul. You can find them on FB, searching for Căsuța din ţopa.
Participate in our virtual brainstorming, where we aim to find SOCIAL INCLUSION IDEAS, inspired by the projects in which you are involved. We are working on a collection of SOCIAL INCLUSION IDEAS, which will appear in a common guide of several NGOs and social inclusion initiatives. Write down your idea or ideas in a message to the email address: contact@mihaieminescutrust.ro, by November 29, the date on which our campaign ends.