Archita is a village spatially marginalized by the other villages of the commune, being, until recently, at the end of an unpaved road. A village with great potential, surrounded by gentle hills – as in a successful painting. A thriving village, rich and active until the departure of the Saxons. For example, in 1944, there were shoemakers, millers and tailors, carpenters, butchers or spinners, mechanics, blacksmiths, tailors or skilled tinsmiths. The large huts and houses today are reminiscent of the old wealth of the villagers.
In an attempt at “Archita village monograph” by Prof. Manea Vasile (unfinished work, left in manuscript), a popular legend explains the origin of the name Archita as follows: When the foundations of the village had to be settled, some migrants required to be built in the place where it is today – a valley surrounded on all sides by hills, partly forested, and partly arable land and pastures. But others disagreed. They demanded that the village to be placed higher, and so the leader went on to see the place. He found the place above unfavorable and on his return was greeted by his men with the cries “a küt, a küt” (come, come) – hence the first name of the village: Erküd or Erked in Hungarian, Arkeden in German and Archita in Romanian. ”
We also find some details about Archita in “Siebenbürgens geographisch, topographisch, statistisches Lexicon” by Ignaz Lenk von Treunfeld, vol. I, Anton Strauss Publishing House, Vienna 1839, page 306. the church organization belongs to the Saschiz chapter, it had an evangelical church, there was also a Greek-Catholic community, Archita being included in the seat of Sighisoara. The names: Erked, Erkeden, Ercheden, Arkita are also recorded as toponyms.
In this special context, with such an interesting history, a new action of the BARN project will take place – Laboratory of experimentation and inclusive civic involvement: Greening in Archita. All actions of the project encourage social activism and civic involvement, in order to increase social cohesion in inter-ethnic communities. The project aims to strengthen the community, to create the necessary infrastructure for civic involvement and to organize extracurricular activities and socio-cultural inclusion of vulnerable groups.
On the 8th of April, starting from 3 o’clock in the afternoon, we will contribute to the beautification of the village, in an inspirational volunteering action.
Please know that we provide all the materials necessary for the action + good cheer and smiles.
What do you have left to do?
#Come with us on the esplanade in front of the Evangelical Church at three-thirty on April 8! See you there!
After work will come the reward! After we finish, we invite you to get to know each other better at a hot, delicious warm traditional meal! Come in large numbers!