On the first, the second, the third and forth of March, spring has arrived with joy and excitement for Archita! And that’s because we organized four informational workshops for children in the community school! Everything focused on their #motivation for their involvement and enrollment in the #ŞURA #CLUB. They were delighted with all the activities we have been planing to do with them this year! They are ready to:
– arrange with us a thematic garden with all kinds of information boards and places to relax.
– arrange a mini-football field. The children who want will help us to install the gates, to prepare the ground for sowing the lawn, and the young people to fence the field with a wooden fence!
All this will make the members of the club responsible for a common good, to the realization of which they have contributed with their work and ideas. We hope that they will be motivated to take care of these facilities after the completion of the project.
The members of the ȘURA CLUB will be gifted identification elements such as hats, T-shirts and bags, personalized with the elements of the project.
The project “The BARN – Experiential Laboratory for Inclusive Civic Engagement” is a project developed by the Mihai Eminescu Trust Foundation and which benefits from a funding of 240,804 euros, through the Active Citizens Fund Romania program, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021. For more information visit www.eeagrants.org.
The project website is: https://www.sura-archita.ro/
Active Citizens Fund – Romania
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